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Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Happy Lunar New Year 2022

Happy Lunar New Year 2022


Happy belated, really. But it is only a day late. Does it matter, we were all almost did not celebrate this holiday at all? That's right. This year is truly a new year. And hopefully, it's gonna be a good year. Better year than the previous year. And the year before that.

So what happened? First of all, this blog have been inactive for quite sometime now. I been busy, we been busy. But then an email arrived. Some kind of 'policy violation' email arrived in my inbox. My goodness. I didn't remember doing anything even remotely naughty in this blog. Other than that one time I received an email about the 'Running Man' tv show. But it was a misunderstanding, really. They thought I was pirating their tv shows. But all I did was writing reviews about it. Was a good show. I wonder if it's still on the telly.

Now I'm back here. It turns out it was nothing. Blogspot just missing me. That's all. But it is quite regrettable. That I have returned back into the 'grid', as our world is on the verge of burning for nuclear fire. Hmm, an exaggeration perhaps. But these couple of years were not kind at all. Gone were my days chasing waves and catching rays.

To some people, today is Lunar New Year 2022. But to some of us, it's the 3rd Year of Covid. Yep. And it all began on the year of 2020. A deadly and virulent virus named Coronavirus, or now known as Covid-19, appeared out of nowhere and started to spread like wild fire across the planet. Nothing seems to stand in its way.

People of different race, color, culture, faith,even sexual orientation, were all infected one by one and started dying. Some survived, but even among the survivors, their bodies were ravaged to the point of disability. And the virus still doesn't stop. Today, the virus is at its fifth variant. Known as the Omicron variant.

Less deadlier than its predecessor, but virulent none the less. Hopefully it would just roll over and died out. One can only hope. Otherwise, we are all truly fcked. I mean I always thought that we all gonna die choking from plastic waste. But, I guess nature doesn't really do plastic, yet. Maybe climate change will get us before the plastic-geddon.

But not this virus though. I never thought this is how we all gonna go. There were debates whether or not this virus is natural or man-made. And it is quite perplexing. Because this virus really wants to kill us humans. It does infect animals, but apparently it infects animals just to mutate and then reinfect the humans. Hmm.. it like humanity owed money or something to this virus. That is some hardcore raging boner hate against humanity right there.

But we smart. We make vaccine. I myself am vaccinated 3 times. Sounds silly, but is true. 3 times in 3 years. If I have to be vaccinated one more time, honestly, I might as well shoot myself in the mouth to end this endless nightmare. So hopefully, this year woud be a good year.

Oh, what was it again about the world about to be burned nuclear fire? Well, apparently, U.S and Russia is at each others throat again, because of the Ukraine thing.. and it might starts World War III, if not the first and probably the last Nuclear War. But that is a story for another time.

Until we meet again. 🖖

Thursday, February 27, 2020
[Books] Horus Heresy: Scars

[Books] Horus Heresy: Scars

I've been wanting to write about this book since it came out. But I didn't get the chance. But then again I didn't write just ride on the trend of things.

No way, I write to remember. And I like to write what I like, or what I want.

So here it is. I know that before this I kinda give up on writing about Horus Heresy novel series because, well, it was kinda getting sucky as the next new novel came out.

Too much short stories. Too much anthologies. Too much random stories that just, only God-Emperor knows whether or not its related to the Horus Heresy, at all.

And then, this book came out. I gotta say, it was friggin' good. I was immensely surprised. It was supposed to be the 28th installment of the Horus Heresy, but I don't care about that. I don't really count the 'anthology' novels as part of the series.

The book is about the White Scar legion. And yes, Jaghatai Khan, primarch of White Scar, is also in it. Although the novel doesn't really get into the details of Khan, but it does sufficiently portray him.

Elusive, aloof, can't sit still. That sort of things. But don't worry. Accompanying the Khan, is his zadyin arga. Weather-maker, stormseer, or more famously known throughout the Imperium, a Librarian. Not famously? Psyker.

His name is Targutai Yesugei. He's the reason why I liked the novel so much. Most of other Space Marines who are close to their primarch, are too.. How should I put it politely... Intense.

Fanatical, devoted. Some call their primarch a father. Others just.. Hmm.. Weird. Like Lion and Luther. But not Yesugei. His relationship with the Khan is evidently a platonic male friends, if not between lord and servant.

They have known each other for quite some times, rides and hunt and chopping heads together on the plains of Chogoris. Even more unique, is the fact that Yesugei is a psyker.

And Khan knows this. And he accept it as it is. While Yesugei accept that the Khan is not mere mortal. Very rare a primarch have a psyker as close advisor, other than Magnus the Red. But then again his Legion is choked full of psykers.

The whole novel is practically about the Khan wanted to see Yesugei for advice, and Yesugei wanted to see the Khan because he had bad dreams. And the universe tried to stop them from meeting.

Its quite an adventure, really. Khan have to destroy a fleet and beat up one of his brother, and Yesugei had to err.. Fight a daemon.

I suppose, where there is a will, there is a way.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
[Movie] 'The Force Awakens' yet again.

[Movie] 'The Force Awakens' yet again.

The movie that we all have been waiting for was finally released on 2015. I thought of writing about it back then. Then I kinda forgot. Because I don't want to spoil the story for every other movie-goers out there.

Sunday, May 21, 2017
[Movie] 'Zoolander 2' stupid but entertaining

[Movie] 'Zoolander 2' stupid but entertaining

I'm going to be honest. I loved the first movie. I know people said that the movie was stupid. But I think that's the whole premise, maybe. In fact, it was even advertised to be so, with the teaser trailer where Stephen Hawking's voice calling Zoolander an idiot.

Saturday, April 15, 2017
[Games] 'Bulletstorm' storms again

[Games] 'Bulletstorm' storms again

I never understand why Bulletstorm never gain traction or developed further into series. The game was actually quite awesome. Recently I heard the developers are going to release a remastered version of the game. Practically the same game, but better graphic and extra contents, I guess?

Saturday, April 8, 2017
[Movie] 'Rogue One' and only

[Movie] 'Rogue One' and only

If you hadn't watched this movie when it came out, you should totally go to rent or buy the DVD. No, fuck that. Get the Blu-ray. Its totally worth it. You probably thinking, what's the different between this movie and every other Star Wars movies? It just going to be another pew pew wooon woon, lasers and lightsabers all over the place, right?

Friday, April 7, 2017
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
[Movie] 'Warcraft', reboot maybe?

[Movie] 'Warcraft', reboot maybe?

One of the most anticipated movie in 2016. Why oh why, must you re-write something that was already successfully written? Don't get me wrong, the movie was still good. But somewhat detached. So in a way, it was a disappointment.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
[Movie] I can see you, 'Ant-Man'

[Movie] I can see you, 'Ant-Man'

I been meaning to write about this film, released on 2015, but there were a lot of superhero movies out there. And because there were going to be sequels and crossover between the superheros' screens and whatnot, so I thought I wait until it's all out there.

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